Fig Tree (2018)

"16 year old Jewish Mina, is trying to navigate between a surreal routine dictated by the civil war in Ethiopia and her last days of youth with her Christian boyfriend Eli. When she discovers that her family is planning to immigrate to Israel and escape the war, she weaves an alternate plan in order to save Eli. But in times of war, plans tend to go wrong. Marsha's coming of age film debut film is based on her childhood memories of a civil-war-torn Ethiopia."

Directed by:

Aalam-Warqe Davidian

Writen by:

Aalam-Warqe Davidian


Mitiku Haylu

Mareta Getachew

Betalehem Asmamawe

Weyenshiet Belachew

Yohannes Musa

Rodas Gizaw

Fig Tree

Enkopa (2018)

"Enkopa depicts the struggles of an Ethiopian young woman, Enkopa, who wants to travel to Canada through neighboring country Sudan illegally in search of a better life. Enkopa portrays her efforts for survival against the brutality and inhuman treatment of traffickers. But her journey takes a detour when she faces sexual abuse, the constant demand for more cash from her traffickers, lack of support, and huge expectation from her family back home. She finds herself compelled to work in Khartoum. She makes friends along the way, faces their challenges and betrayal as they fight from stereotypical police who think "all Ethiopian women are whores". While her hope to land in Canada is shattered and facing hardship in Sudan, her family puts high pressure to go through the misery because they want her to succeed like their neighbor’s daughters. However, in every hardship, one might find love but it might come with an attachment. After lots of ups and downs, she realizes that one cannot achieve goals through illegal migration and she eventually prefers to maintain her identity."

Director: Abraham Demissie & Alemtsehay Bekele

Writers: Yodit Getachew, Belay Getaneh, Alemtsehay Bekele & Yodit Getachew

Key Cast: Elias Wosenyeleh, Surafel Teka, Melat Assefa, Fekadu Shumeye & Abraham Demissie


Quragnaye - Enchained A Historical Drama set in Ethiopia

'This is magic realism at its best. Combining breath-taking landscapes with superb performances piqued by humour and irony, Tafesse takes the audience by storm in a tense and moving ethnological drama suffused with passion, jealousy and bitter anger of the traditional Ethiopian establishment,' Filmuforia.

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Faya Dayi (2021)

"A spiritual journey into the highlands of Harar, immersed in the rituals of khat, a leaf Sufi Muslims chewed for centuries for religious meditations - and Ethiopia's most lucrative cash crop today."

Writer & Director: Jessica Beshir
Faya Dayi