Press Release: Government agencies and NGOs learn what it takes to commission films

9 September 2010, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Project managers and leaders from more than a dozen local and international Ethiopia-based organizations learned what it takes to commission films during a two-day workshop on film commissioning, run by the Ethiopian Film Initiative (EFI).

Sponsored by the German NGO Heinrich Böll Stiftung, the workshop had a specific focus on environmental films. The more than 30 participants spent the time learning about the budgeting process, the importance of films and how to get the best out of filmmakers.

Patrick Berg, Country Representative for Heinrich Böll, said the workshop was important, because it gave valuable insight into the commissioning process.

Smaller NGOs often lack experience in the communication sector and feel insecure when dealing with media professionals,” he said. “Workshop participants now have a much better understanding of the film production process and know how to express their ideas to make sure they get the movie they want – at a reasonable price.”

EFI trainers put participants through a series of hands-on exercises emphasizing practical considerations when commissioning a film. Trainers focused on areas such as writing a clear brief for filmmakers, how to recognize a good film proposal and dealing with film budgets. 


Workshop Leader Keith Bowers, said he hoped the participants developed a better understanding of the process so they could improve the quality of the films they seek to do.

“We were also keen to give them an insight into how producers go about their work, as in the end, the best films emerge from good partnerships between commissioners and those who are commissioned,” he said.


Indeed, workshop participants were effusive in their praise of the training they received.

“I would recommend this workshop because it helps everyone, commissioners, producers, etc get on the same page,” wrote one participant in the feedback form.




For more information, please contact Kaylois Henry, communications, EFI on 0111553172 or 0910343473