We All Count

Click on image to watch full video We All Count or: Are we aware of our actions?
Are we really that insignificant? We All Countâ focuses on the lives of three ordinary Ethiopians, a fisherman, an elderly woman and a fashion designer. This ten minute documentary not only features beautiful images of the Ziway Lake, Sululta and Addis Ababa, but also explores the question of how these ordinary people affect the environment that surrounds them - and if they are aware of their actions.
The film was directed by Henok Mebratu, an emerging filmmaker from Addis Ababa.
Zenebe is a young fisherman from Lake Ziway, 200 km south of the capital. The film shows how the waters of this lake are totally overfished and how Zenebes work contributes to the pollution of the same water that feed his family.
Birku, an uneducated elderly woman from an Addis Ababa suburb, earns her living by cutting down small trees and selling wood for fuel.
Yeworkwuhai, a young and well educated fashion designer and business lady from amongst the elite of the capital, frequently uses plastic bags while shopping.
The three featured personalities come from very different backgrounds, but they have one thing in common: Their every-day-actions negatively affect the environment.
Birku, an uneducated elderly woman from an Addis Ababa suburb, earns her living by cutting down small trees and selling wood for fuel.
Yeworkwuhai, a young and well educated fashion designer and business lady from amongst the elite of the capital, frequently uses plastic bags while shopping.
The three featured personalities come from very different backgrounds, but they have one thing in common: Their every-day-actions negatively affect the environment.